Why wouldn't you date me?
17 Jul 2024 Starts at: 9 p.m. Location: Garage Rotterdam

Why wouldn’t you date me? 
A performance by Ines Borovac at Garage Rotterdam
17 - 20 July | Performances every evening at 9 PM 
Free entry!

From ancient times, the female body has served as a currency to foster homosocial relations under the disguise of marriage. A system rendering the young woman’s consent meaningless in a world of violent, patriarchal norms. Young ladies would be socially forced to find a husband, with her only act of emancipation in many European rituals being the gesture of handing over an apple to the chosen one - symbolizing her consent and leaving her one bite away from marriage.

Today, this symbolic apple has evolved into Apple products and dating apps, commodifying love and sex. These platforms now trade not only female bodies but the digital footprints of all users, enhancing capitalist surveillance.

The performance Why wouldn’t you date me? by the Rotterdam and Croatia based artist Ines Borovac draws parallels with historical practices, through a performative act where control over personal data is reclaimed. By adapting Croatian courting customs, Borovac will engage in a series of monitored dates every evening from 17 - 20 July. The dates will be live-streamed at Garage Rotterdam and the dating process will be gamified by giving the artist's home country (Croatia) the power to influence the dates via an interactive app on their phones. 

Join us on 17, 18, 19, 20 or 21 July at Garage Rotterdam to see the performative act Why wouldn’t you date me? by Ines Borovac live!

Finissage with DJ set by Acid Love Story: Saturday 20 July at 9 PM

This project is made possible by funding from CBK Rotterdam

Graphic Design by: Karla Žlimen