By Yasmijn Jarram

Martin Fenne’s creations are sculptures on flat surfaces or paintings with sculptural qualities. He plays with the symbolic possibilities of his materials: multicoloured bias tape or satin ribbon. Although Fenne does not work with paint, his work is based on the art of painting. He examines old themes for new, current possibilities, paying a great deal of attention to the rendering, i.e., substance expression. A large role is played by the incidence of light and tangibility.

Fenne uses the ‘cut-out’ technique: he carves out the contours of the depiction, after which he applies the satin in relief. This gives his work a three-dimensional aspect, making it even more realistic. The stitched colour lines themselves are, however, abstract compositions. Fenne is continually searching for this field of tension between illusion and reality. The beholder is constantly being surprised and the composition’s significance is in a constant state of flux.

Martin Fenne (r) at the opening of On the Edge

Martin Fenne (r) at the opening of On the Edge