By Yasmijn Jarram

Wies Preijde makes three-dimensional textile installations that are searching for the boundaries of our imagination. She concocts and compiles abstract textile patterns in pastel hues using vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines. Preijde’s creations, drawn in perspective, are subsequently superimposed on the walls of spaces that she has constructed. For instance, her creations include walls of glued threads that are slightly translucent.

Preijde’s work bears witness to her passionate interest in architecture and everyday objects. Visitors undergo an experience that is practically holographic, that feels like an illusion. The combination of lines, colours, viewing holes and perspectives, with their graphical appearance, makes you feel as if you are walking though the blueprint of a transparent home. An alienating experience: you feel both imprisoned and yet at the same time protected. Although constructed with almost mathematical precision, the installation has a poetic charisma.

Wied Preijde at the opening of On the Egde

Wied Preijde at the opening of On the Egde